Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our Mission
The Prayer Shawl Ministry at Zion Lutheran Church threads love and comfort with craft and sharing; a Spirit-guided outreach that blends gifts, talents and grace to celebrate God's Word.
Invitation to Join Us
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an international organization that was introduced to Zion in October, 2007. Since then numerous prayer shawls, lap robes, baby caps and baby blankets have been knitted and/or crocheted and gifted out whenever there is a need to individuals, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. We welcome all of you who knit or crochet and would like to join this ministry. You can craft in your own home and, if convenient for you, join us as a group at 10:00 a.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month September through May. If you would like to join but have questions, please feel free to call Shirley Nesseth at 248-420-5156 or 248-435-6744 or the church office at 248-398-5510. God bless everyone for your efforts.