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Visiting Zion
If you have visited us recently or wish to visit, please let us know!
Visitor FAQs
Q. I have never visited Zion Lutheran Church before, and how do I participate?
Zion is an intentionally inclusive Christian community that works deliberately to make sure all are welcome and able to participate in worship and ministries outside of worship. On Sunday morning you are welcome to attend our worship service at 10:30 a.m. You may enter through the parking lot or Albany main doors. Bulletins to follow along are located at each entrance. Seating is open and we encourage you to find a place you are comfortable. If you are not able to follow along or feel confused, feel free to ask someone near you!
If you would like to explore Zion worship online you are welcome to do so live through this website on the Zoom and Facebook platforms. Recorded services from previous Sundays are on our Facebook page.
To join our weekly email list please do so here. All of our community and ministry information is included and is our primary mode of communication. Being a member is not required to be on the email list, and you can always drop yourself from the list if you find it not helpful.
Q. Can a person or family attend more than one service without committing to join the congregation?
A person or family may attend as often as they wish without committing to join. All activities and programs that take place at Zion are open to everyone.
Q. I understand there are different Lutheran denominations. What is Zion and what makes it different from the others?
Zion is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran body in the United States. The ELCA allows for communion to be open to all, we recognize and ordain women clergy and LGBT clergy, baptism is offered to non members, and all members are allowed to be a part of the ministry and governance of all parts of congregational life and we believe the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, yet we are not Biblical literalists. In other Lutheran denominations these descriptions are not likely the case.
Q. What is your schedule of services?
Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Juniors’ (children’s) ministry exists during and after worship during the academic program year (Sept-Nov and Jan-May)
Q. What is the dress code for Sunday service?
Zion does not have a dress code. Some worshippers will be in very casual dress and other a bit more formal. We do not judge.
Q. As a non-member am I expected to contribute to the Sunday collection?
The "offering" is seen as a response to the gospel and the message of salvation. In other words, we give because God first gives to us. There is "no charge" to attend. If one is able one is encouraged to make an offering as a sign of response.
Q. Is the Pastor available for an informal meeting?
The pastor is available for informal meetings. Drop-ins are welcome but to ensure someone being here it is usually best to call ahead (248-398-5510) or email.
Q. If I decide to join Zion, what is the procedure?
Joining Zion's family is a commitment to God through this family of believers. One may join by filling out a paper new member form in the office or our electronic version here on the website. The church office and/or pastor will then contact you and new member orientations are held as needed throughout the year.
Q. After I receive full membership must I volunteer for a committee or ministry?
There is no "must" to Zion. However it is hoped that, as one becomes involved, the gifts and talents God has given would be expressed in one of the many areas of service.
Q. I have a growing family, does Zion have classes and activities for my children?
One of Zion’s ministry priorities is our Juniors’ ministry (ages 4-middle school), which includes classes during worship in the academic program year, music ministry after worship, a big Christmas program/musical that keeps us busy October through December, and other occasional outings for fun and to get to know one another. Sprouts is a music and motion ministry for those ages 0-4 and their families. It meets the third Sunday of the month at 9:45 a.m. Sprouts sometimes moves its time though so we recommend you contact us ahead of time, or get yourself on our mailing list.
If your specific question has not been addressed in the FAQ, we invite you to contact us and we will attempt to answer your question or direct you to the member best suited to respond.
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