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Social Ministry
Although a formal committee is not organized, many activities continued throughout the year, all informally organized and accomplished by volunteers.
Cards are sent regularly to shut-ins and other ill people on the prayer list, as well as birthday cards. This ministry is now done by a trio of ladies.
Food Pantry packing and distribution was shared by many people who worked to provide food to families once a month, in partnership with Gleaners.
Food Pantry made special Thanksgiving “baskets” in Nov. to assist families with a turkey and other items.
Our contributions to Lutheran World Relief were 2 blankets, 2 Personal Care Kits, 4 Baby Care Kits, 2 Fabric Kits, and 63 School Kits -- all delivered and loaded into trucks in October to go to the Baltimore warehouse.
Choirs prepared 12 Christmas stockings for teen guests at Sanctuary in Royal Oak, who were not with family or friends at Christmas.
In December, our "Mitten Tree" was overflowing with many scarves, hats, mittens, and other clothes for HOPE Hospitality and Warming Center in Pontiac.
On a personal level, individuals prepared meals, visited, and provided home/personal assistance to members who had short or long term needs.
Prayer Ring members prayed for the special needs of the congregation throughout the year.
Secret Pal program continued, which involves cards, little gifts, and special-day remembrances secretly given to a “Pal” throughout the year, until identities are finally revealed at Easter. This program promotes connections and involvements between congregants of all ages.
Prayer Shawl participants have knitted/crocheted and delivered many shawls to people in hospitals and elsewhere. This ministry uses a social and religious setting for knitting/crocheting and learning the skills. The main purpose is to give a shawl, an everyday visible and tangible evidence of God's presence and love, to those who are most in need of comfort.
Each week close-to-expiration breads from Costco are openly available to the community.
Zion honored a budget commitment for support to Samaritas, Michigan ELCA churches’ social ministry organization. We also forwarded money collected through a special envelope category to a Detroit mission partner.
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